(Reposted from Nov 10, 2024)

Over the last year I have been consumed with the idea of walking in purpose. There seems to be this joy and passion you experience once you identify the reason you were made - it begins to drive everything you do. So, I did get consumed with the thought of finally knowing what I have been called to do and desiring to spend every waking moment doing it.
But, there was always this nagging thought: Why did it feel so overwhelming? Why did it feel like quite a few doors were closed and hindering progress? I thought all the doors would be swinging wide open because, yes, I had found my purpose. Well, that did not happen, and I am thankful! If the doors had swung open wide, I may not have learnt the lesson I am currently experiencing now.
During my meditation this morning, I listened to a song by Karen Clark-Sheard, which she performed along with her daughter, Kierra. It's an old song from 2003, titled "You loved me". As I heard this mother and daughter sing, I started to think about parent-child projects. You know, a dad decides to build a boat, or fix up a classic car with his son, a mom decides to bake cookies or a cake with her daughter, etc. These parent-child project ideas suddenly caused a bulb to light up in my head.
The purpose of "walking in purpose" is so we can experience a Father-Child project with God our heavenly Father. Just like in these parent examples, the goal of the projects is for relationship, not just for the outcome - the thing that gets built or created. The outcome is important, and part of the journey is to keep getting better outcomes, however, the ultimate goal is relationship and intimacy.
When God our Father sets us aside for a divine calling and purpose, the task cannot be allowed to become greater than the relationship. The task should always bring us into His presence; and like a child learning at the feet of her Father, we will share with Him openly all our dreams, hopes and aspirations, and yield them to Him because ultimately we desire His direction and we yearn to dream His dreams. As we commune with Him, love on Him, and experience Him, He drops a little nugget here or there that will impact the outcomes of our journey towards His calling and purpose for our lives.
Purpose is not the ultimate goal. He is.